Oftalmol Zh.2015;2:22-26


Results of treatment of post vitrectomy vitreous hemorrhage in patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with the use of ranibizumab 

О. О. Putienko, Ali Elhaj, D. M. Pogorelyi 

SI «Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of the National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine»; Odessa (Ukraine)

Introduction. Post vitrectomy vitreous hemorrhage is the main cause of failure in vitreous surgery of proliferative diabetic retinopathy, the rate of this complication is 25–75 % of cases. 

Aim of the study. To compare the efficiency of application of the of fluid gas exchange in the treatment of post vitrectomy vitreous hemorrhage in patients with PDRP with and without use of ranibizumab. 

Materials and methods. There were analyzed the results of treatment of post vitrectomy vitreous hemorrhage in 78 patients (78 eye) with proliferative diabetic retinopathy by the fluid gas exchange with the use of 20 % of the gas — air mixture of perfluoropropane. In 28 patients (28 eyes) — main group additionally in the vitreous cavity was introduced 0,5 mg of ranibizumab. 

Results. 2 months after the treatment there were no significant differences (?2=0,73; p=0,39) in achievement of transparency of vitreous cavity with the use of ranibizumab and without it. After 6 months in the group with additional use of ranibizumab transparency of vitreous content was reached in 96,4 % of cases, and without it in 92,0 % (?2 = 0,59; р = 0,44), but the recurrence rate of vitreous hemorrhage in patients without use of ranibizumab was significantly higher– 11 eyes (22,0 %) against 1 (3,6 %) (?2 = 4,68; р = 0,03). 

Conclusion. Fluid gas exchange with 20 % of the gas — air mixture of perfluoropropane with additional introduction in vitreuos cavity of ranibizumab is the most effective treatment of post vitrectomy vitreous hemorrhage in patients of proliferative diabetic retinopathy and can be widely used. 

Key words: proliferative diabetic retinopathy, vitrektomiya, hemophthalmus, ranibizumab.


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