Oftalmol Zh.2012;4:62-65.
Pasechnikova N. V., Naumenko V. A., Maletskiy A. P., Vit V. V., Chebotarev E. P., Pukhlik E. S.
Odessa, Ukraine
59 patients (24 men and 35 women) at the age of 6.0+10.5 with uveal melanoma, with the tumor prominence of 7.2±3.1mm, of 14.0+4.2 mm in diameter who were subjected to enucleation with the help of high frequency electric welding have been investigated. The control group consisted of 20 patients (6 men and 14 women) at the age of 61.5+8.6 with uveal melanoma, with the tumor prominence of 6.9+3.7 mm, of 12.9+4.2 mm in diameter who were subjected to enucleation by the usual methods. The results obtained have shown that the use of high frequency welding for eye enucleation allows to avoid bleeding when muscles and neurovascular fascicle are crossed, to reach the necessary fixation of muscles to the tenon capsule and stable connection of the conjunctiva margins with each other without the use of any sutural material. The use of the given method reduces not only the time of surgery (on average by 6.6 minutes), saves the patients from the removal of stitches, but also can reduce the time the patient's stays in hospital by 2 days (i.e. 28.5 %) and therefore brings economic benefits. The established character ofthe postoperative course shows that the given method can be the method of choice if it is necessary to remove the eyeball.
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