Oftalmol Zh.2013;3:27-32


Clinico-morphological features malignant epithelial tumors of the eyelid skin with an aggressive course

V. V. Vit, I. A. Safronenkova

SI «The Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine»

Key words: malignant epithelial tumors of the eyelid skin, clinical, histological and electron-morphological

Introduction. Most malignant epithelial tumors (MET) eyelid skin have slow growth, minimal local invasion and prognosis with adequate treatment. In some cases, MET eyelid skin showing rapid growth with invasion of surrounding tissues, repeatedly recur.

Purpose — the study of clinical and histomorphological features of MET eyelid skin with an aggressive course.

Materials and methods. Examined paraffin sections of the tumor tissue after exenteration of the orbit in 9 patients with eyelid skin MET T3b step (4 men and 5 women) aged 34 to 75 years (median 60.6) receiving combination therapy (radiotherapy + cryosurgery) in  in 2000—2008 years. The estimation of tumors by clinical, histological and electron-morphological characteristics.

Results and discussion. The duration of the ranged from 2 to 7 years (median 4.4). Number of relapses — from 2 to 4. Terms of relapse ranged from 4 to 158 months (median 35.7). Time patient monitoring — from 4 to 7years (median 5.3). Duration and neglect tumor led to the development of tumors larger the spread in the underlying tissues and their destruction, the regular recurrence. The tumors had an infiltrative growth pattern with severe invasive activity. In the course of disease progression, recurrence and the impact of medical factors occurred anaplasia BC cancer in more aggressive forms of cancer — MT and SC which have a pronounced atipization complexes of tumor cells and fibroblastic reaction leading to sclerosis of the stroma, as well as defects in the BM, which facilitate the invasive growth of the tumor.

Conclusion. The aggressive nature of MET eyelid skin tumors caused by prolonged existence, large size, invasion of underlying tissues, frequent relapses. This contributes to a violation of the integrity of the BM causes the invasive growth, anaplasia century BC skin cancer in a more aggressive form of cancer — MT and SC.

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