Oftalmol Zh.2011;4:12-16.

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Bushuyeva N. N., Martynuyk S. V., Senyakina A. S.

Odessa, Ukraine

Objective — the study of visual dysfunctions, ACPS in children with the most common types of AE.

Materials and Methods: A complex ophthalmological examination (visometry, binoculometry, refractometry, accommodometry, strabometry, the study of convergence, pupillography) in 88 patients aged from 6 to 18 with refractive AE (45 children), nonrefractive AE (31 patients) and the combinated AE (12 patients).

Results. Besides the already known differences in the state of refraction and the value of index AC/A, the above-mentioned types of AE differ from each other in such functions as visual acuity, fusion power, binocular vision, convergence. Using pupillography it was found that in patients with any kind of AE both eyes' pupils were narrowed in comparison with healthy children, their reaction to light was weakened considerably. The latent periods of the pupil¬lary light reflex and the pupillary near reflex were increased more than three times compared with healthy children. The latent periods of pupillary dilatation after light stimulation and after convergence weakening were also increased. The authors believe that such disturbances of the pupillary reactions indicate reduction of the lability, increase ACPS inactivity that indicate the functional changes in the brainstem structures of the patients with AE.


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