Oftalmol Zh.2011;2:31-35.

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Zhmuryk D. V., Milienko M. V.

Kiev, Ukraine

There were 30 patients under the observation. We used our proposed integrated approach to vitrectomy: preoperative intravitreal injection of the inhibitor of the vascular endothelial growth factor, retinotomy and/or retinectomy, temporary tamponade ofperfluoroorganic compounds (5—7 days). Further on we performed endolaser photocoagulation with simultaneous replacement of perfluoroorganic compounds by silicone oil.

A multistaged surgical treatment allowed to restore anatomical attachment of the retina in all cases. Visual acu¬ity improved in 83.35 % of cases, did not change in 13.3 % of patients and deteriorated in 3.35 %.



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