

Received: 22 January  2019; Published on-line: 28 November 2019 

Neuro-opthalmological aspect of chiasmal-and-sellar disorders

V.A. Vasyuta,1 Dr Sc (Med); Yu.E. Pedachenko,2 Dr Sc (Med), Ass Prof

1 Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine; Kyiv (Ukraine)

2  Neurosurgery Department, Shupik National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education;  Kyiv (Ukraine)

E-mail:  Vasyuta.v@ukr.net

TO CITE THIS ARTICLE: Vasyuta VA, Pedachenko YuE.Neuro-opthalmological aspect of chiasmal-and-sellar disorders. J.ophthalmol.(Ukraine).2019;1:73-7. http://doi.org/10.31288/oftalmolzh201917377


This article reviews the causes, pathogenesis, and major manifestations of chiasmal syndrome. In addition, it reviews the methods for diagnosing the condition, and the course of the syndrome in patients with various chiasmal-and-sellar disorders such as pituitary adenoma, craniopharyngioma, tuberculum sellae meningioma, and skull base aneurysm. The principle neuro-ophthalmological symptoms include decreased visual acuity, bitemporal visual field defects, and development of descending optic nerve atrophy. Early detection of ophthalmological symptoms is of critical importance for timely neurosurgical treatment.

Keywords: chiasm, visual acuity, visual field, optic nerve


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