

Morphological changes in the optic nerve after experimental injury followed by treatment with stem cells

I.V. Chepurnyi, A.V. Kopchak, A.V. Korsak, V.V. Likhodievskyi, O.I. Kovalchuk, S.S. Olefir, A.O. Zabila,  I.B. Chaikovskyi

Bogomolets National Medical University 

Kyiv (Ukraine)

E-mail:  yuchaika@i.ua                     

Background: Ocular trauma and its sequelae substantially affect quality of life. Effective methods to promote regeneration of damaged optic nerve (ON) are still to be developed.

Purpose: To investigate structural changes in the rat ON after experimental ON injury followed by treatment with stem cells.

Materials and Methods: After being subjected to experimental injury, 40 rats were divided into two equal groups depending on whether they did (Group II) or did not receive (Group I) stem cells derived from the bulge of hair follicles of syngeneic animals. Histological and neurohistological techniques were used to investigate structural changes in the traumatized rat ON.

Results: Experimental injury to the ON resulted in its degeneration. Stem cell grafting at the site of injury initiated improved ON regeneration, which was evidenced by (1) newly formed nerve fibers and glial columns mostly of oligodendrocytes, (2) reduced glial scar volume due to reduction in the number of astrocytes, and (3) rapid elimination of myelin debris.

Conclusion: Injection of neural crest stem cells derived from the bulge of hair follicles of syngeneic animals improves the optic nerve restoration after injury.


Key-words: optic nerve, trauma, regeneration, stem cells


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