Oftalmol Zh.2014;6:95-100


Influence of thirty day tamponade of vitreal cavity with perfluorineorganic compounds on bioelectrical activity of the rabbit retina

Zhmurik D. V., Khramenko N. I,,Slobodyanik S. B., Milienko M. V.

State Institution «The Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of National Medical Academy of Ukraine»; Odessa (Ukraine)

Introduction. Usingperfluorine organic compounds (PFOC) for tamponade could expand the indications for surgical treatment of retinal detachments and improve results. However, there is no a clear opinion on the effect of PFOC on the functional state of the retina. It is important to compare the effect of PFOC and «light» silicone.

The aim of this study is to determine the characteristics of the influence of tam¬ponade with PFOC (30 days) on the bioelectrical activity of retinal function in the experiment, comparing the actions of PFOC and «light» silicone in the dynamics through electroretinography (ERG) at various times after the completion of tamponade — 7 to 30 days.

Material and methods. The study was performed on 6 chinchilla rabbits (12 eyes). All animals were performed posterior closed subtotal vitrectomy with subsequent tamponade (30 days) of PFOS (right eye) and «light» silicone (left eye). ERG was conducted for all animals before surgery and after tamponade in 7 and 30 days. 

Results. 7 days after the completion of tamponade with PFOC latency and amplitude of the wave «a» of maximum ERG did not change significantly compared with the control. The response of the middle layers of the retina was characterized by elongation of the latency time of the wave «b» (48.8 ± 5.8 ms) and the increased amplitude to 215.5 ± 7.5 (pV)). In rhythmical ERG the amplitude of the cone response increased to 47.0 ± 3.0 (pV) and the latency time prolonged to (63.2 ± 2.1) ms. On the 30th day of the observation period wave «a» of maximum ERG decreased by 22 %, the amplitude decreased by 29.6 %, which was below the norm by 23 %. Activity of the middle layers of the retina in the amplitude of the wave «b» normalized. In a comparative analysis after removal of PFOS substances and «light» silicone there was found retention hyperresponse phenomena during all pe¬riods of the follow-up after silicone oil tamponade.

Conclusions: There were determined peculiarities of the influence of PFOC with tamponade of 30 days on the functional activity of the retina of the rabbit in the experiment in the dynamics within 1 month after its conclusion. Dysfunction of neurons of the first order (photoreceptor layer) of the peripheral and central retina was revealed expressed in reduction of the amplitude of the bioelectric response to flashes by 23—100 %, respectively, in normalization of the PFOC effect on the second order neurons. Comparative analysis of the influence of retinal tamponade with PFOS and «light» of silicone oil for 30 days showed that silicone causes a greater reactivity of the response (1.4 -2.5) in the layers of the central and peripheral retina. In clinical practice we would not recommend using long-term (30days) tamponade with PFOS.

Key words: retinal detachmentperf|uorine organic C0mp0unds,troretinography, «light» silicone oil.


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