Oftalmol Zh.2014;4:45-50


Foveoschisis prediction based on analysis of macular retina OPT scan. Part 1. Elementary accumulation mechanism of volumetric mechanical stress in the retina

Ulyanova N. A. 1, Shakun K. S.

1 Odessa National Medical University,

2 Odessa National Maritime Academy;

3 Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University

Introduction. At present mechanisms of retinal property changes in foveoschisis have not been studied; there is no mathematical model of foveoschisis develop­ment.

Purpose. To develop a mathematical model of the mechanism of retinal property changes in foveoschisis.

Material and methods. We examined 7 patients (14 eyes) with high axial myopia and myopic maculopathy. All patients underwent a spectral optical coherence to­mography. Mathematical methods in the theory of destruction of elastic and elastic- plastic materials were applied.

Results. There are posterior staphyloma and myopic foveoschisis diagnosed in all patients with high axial myopia. Potential causes of foveoschisis progressing can be divided into extraretinal and intraretinal ones. The extraretinal causes are the 

Key words: retina, foveoschisis, mathematical model, spectral optical coherence tomography 


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