Oftalmol Zh.2014;2:60-63


Efficacy of using the drug Amixin in complex treatment of patients with uveal melanoma in reduction of lymphocyte content

L. N. Velichko

State Institution The Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of the NAMS of Ukraine, Odessa, (Ukraine)

Introduction. The effect of combined organ-preserving treatment of tumors is realized not only because of the destructive influence of physical factors but also due to participation of biological mechanisms directed at deepening of destruction of the damaged cells and their resorption. Of great importance is the issue of perfection of the methods of immunologic correction which allow to increase the efficacy of the organ-preserving treatment.

Purpose. To study the possibility of using the drug Amixin in complex treatment of patients with uveal melanoma with low content of lymphocytes.

Material and methods. The investigation was made in the basic (38 patients) and control (20 patients) groups of patients with uveal melanoma who were treated in the ophthalmologic department of SI «The Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of NAMS of Ukraine» in 2011—2012. The basic group received Amixin in complex treatment. The control group took combined therapy without using immunocorrection. The patients were studied content of leucocytes and lymphocytes before treatment, in 3 and 9 months after treatment.

Results. It was found that application of Amixin in complex treatment of patients with uveal melanoma was accompanied by increased level of lymphocytes. Before treatment the level of lymphocytes in the basic group was lower than the norm 1.1+0.4 (x109/l) (the norm is 1.36+0.4) (x109/l), in 3 months there is increase to 1.3+0.08 (x109/l)), in 9 months it reaches the level of the norm 1.5+0.08 (x109/l) that was probably higher compared with the content before treatment (p1—3=0.007). The level of lymphocytes in the control group was lower than the norm level 1.23+0.09(x109/l), in 3months — 1.25+0.08(x109/l), in 9months — 1.28+0.09 (x109/l) this index does not reach the normal value. It is established that after immunotherapy the part of patients with normal content of lymphocytes reliably increases using the criterium of Mac-Nemar 23.7 (95 %DI8.3 %-39.9 %).

Conclusions. The positive effect of using Amixin in complex treatment of patients with uveal melanoma is manifested by immunocorrection effect as normalization of lymphocyte content in 9 months of treatment.

Key words: uveal melanoma,immunocorrection therapy, Amixin


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