Oftalmol Zh. 2013;6:26-31.


Use of the computer program for calculation of the object coordinates on the surface of the eyeball model 

Emchenko VI, Kukharenko DV

Kremenchug City Children's Hospital, Kremenchug National University named after M. Ostrogradskiy

Kremechug, Ukraine

Introduction. In performing surgical interventions on the oblique muscles we have to manipulate in the area of the posterior pole of the eyeball causing a number of inconveniences and threatening by complications. It is important to minimize the scope of instrumental manipulations in this area.

Purpose. While performing operations on the oblique muscles with different regulation functions there is used indirect measurement of operation dosage on the oblique muscles by using computer programs for calculation of the object coordinates on the on the surface of the eyeball model.

Material and methods. There was made a determination of the point on the model, on which the oblique would be fixed and localization of this point regarding two easily approachable orientation points. The sites of attachment of straight muscles were such orientation points. These orientation points helped to determine the point of new fixation of the oblique muscle on the patient's eye. 

Results. There was developed a safe method of indirect measurement of operation dosage on the oblique muscles. The proposed computer program allows to dose exactly the operations on the inferior and superior oblique muscles without any risks of complications, and shorten the operation time and anesthesia of the patient.

Key words: operations on the oblique muscles, operation dosage, computer program


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