Oftalmol Zh. 2013; 5: 67-72.


Ultrastructural changes of chorioretinal complex in experimental model of eye contusion in rabbits

Dumbrova NE, Vit VV, Krasnovid TA, Molchanyuk NI, Grubnik NP

 SI «The Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of NAMS of Ukraine», Odessa

Purpose. To study ultrastructural changes of chorioretinal complex in experimental model of mild eye contusion in rabbits.

Material and methods. Tthe electron microscopy studies of chorioretinal complex were held after modelling the mild eye contusion in rabbit in terms of 1 week, 1 and 2 months.

Results. We observed hydropic and destructive changes of these structures in 1 week. In 1 month the changes were similar, but less intensive. Mitochondria reactions were found in all terms. In 2 months there were pathological focuses in chorioretinal complex.

Conclusion. Ultrastructural changes of chorioretinal complex are found in experimental model of mild eye contusion in rabbits. These signs can lead to development of degenerative changes of fundus even in mild cases.

Key words: ultrastructure, chorioretinal complex, eye contusion, experiment


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