Oftalmol Zh. 2013; 5: 5-8.


A content of interferons in the tear fluid under the influence of the interferon inductor in patients with adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis

Drozhzhina GI, Gaidamaka TB, Velichko LN

SI «Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine», Odessa, Ukraine

Introduction. Adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis (AVKC) along with herpetic keratitis is the most common disease of the cornea of viral etiology.

Purpose. To investigate the content of interferons in the tear under the influence of the interferon inductor in patinets with adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis. 

Materials and methods. Immunologic studies of the tear fluid were made in 17 patients (34 eyes), 11 males (64.7 %) and six females (35.3 %) who took ophtholic. Determination of interferons was made by the method of hard-phase immune enzyme analysis.

Results. The study of the interferon-a concentration in the dynamics when using ophtholic in the tear of basic patients showed that the interferon-a concentration increased considerably and made (102.12+19.128B) pg/ml in comparison to the baseline concentration (73.17+19.128E) pg/ml (pl-2=0.02) in 5—7 days of using the preparation. In 12—14 days of using the preparation ophtholic the interferon-a concentration in the tear of patients with AVKC increased up to (162.6+23.12 BB) pg/ml (pl-2=0.02).

Conclusion. Treatment of patients with adenoviral epidemic kerato-conjunctivi-tis should be complex and include antiviral, antiinflammatory and desensitizing drugs. The inclusion of the drug ophtholic in the complex treatment of AVKC allows to decrease the intensity of subjective complaints and accelerate regression of theinflammatory manifestations and increase considerably the interferon-a concentration in the tear of the patients with AVKC.

Key words: adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis, tear fluid, interferons


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