Oftalmol Zh.2013;4:30-34


Prediction of invasion sclera uveal melanoma using molecular markers lymphocyte activation

L. Velichko, V. V. Vit, A. P. Malecki, E. Dragomiretskaya

 SI «The Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy NAMS of Ukraine»

Key words: uveal melanoma scleral invasion, molecular markers of lymphocyte activation, ROC analysis, logistic regression.

The purpose. To study the predictability of uveal melanoma scleral invasion with molecular markers of lymphocyte activation.

Material and methods. A comparative analysis of the expression of lymphocyte activation molecular markers was made in patients with uveal melanoma with tumor invasion into the sclera (84patients) and without scleral invasion (173 patients). The level of expression of molecular markers of lymphocyte activation was deter-mined using monoclonal antibodies by histoimmunochemical method. 

Results. A study of the expression level of lymphocyte activation markers was made in patients with uveal melanoma with and without scleral invasion. Uveal melanoma patients with scleral invasion had a violation of hematoophthalmic barrier, which led to the activation of immune cells and significant increase in the expression of molecular markers of activated lymphocytes SD7 + SD25 + SD38 + SD45 + SD54 + SD95 + SD150 + in comparison to patients without invasion. The study evaluated predictability of lymphocyte activation molecular markers for predicting uveal melanoma scleral invasion. ROC analysis showed that the most informative markers were CD95+ and CD54+. Thresholds expression level was defined on peripheral blood lymphocytes SD95 + > 325 cells / uL and SD54 + > 19% enabling to predict (80%) germination of uveal melanoma in the sclera.


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