Oftalmol Zh.2013;3:23-26


Relationship of morphometric parameters of the vacular membrane and blood supply of the eye in patients with age-related macular degeneration

A. R. Korol, N. I. Khramenko, O. S. Zadorozhnyy, T. B. Kustrin

The Filatov Institute of Eye diseases and Tissue Therapy of National Medical Sciences Academy, Odessa

Key words: age-related macular degeneration, spectral optical coherence tomography, rheoophthalmography, thickness of the choroid.

Introduction. Spectral optical coherence tomography (OCT) allows visualization of choroid and determine its thickness.

Purpose: to evaluate the relationship between data of choroidal thickness in patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and rheoophthalmography. 

Materials and methods: were observed 56patients with age-related macular degeneration and 11 healthy individuals. The average age of patients was 67years old, healthy volunteers — 60 years. All investigated were performed optical coherence tomography (Spectralis (Heidelberg Engineering)) and rheoophthalmography.

Results. The lowest thickness of the choroid are marked in patients with the dry AMD, which was significantly lower compared in patients with early AMD (p=0,0001). The lowest data rheographic coefficient also identified in patients with dry AMD, which was significantly lower compared in patients with early AMD (p=0,003).

Conclusion. Choroidal thickness measured by spectral OCT and rheoophthalmog-raphy data (rheographic coefficient) in patients with age-related macular degeneration has a statistically significant correlation with the age of the patient. Direct correlation between the thickness of the choroid and rheoophthalmography data in patients with age-related macular degeneration was noted.

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