Oftalmol Zh.2013;3:66-70


Morphological changes in the chorioretinal complex of the rabbit immediately after the effect of different regimens of the high-frequency electrowelding of biological tissues compared with threshold diode eldolaser coagulation

1 N. N.Umanets, 2 V. A.UIyanov

The Filatov Institute of Eye diseases and Tissue Therapy of National Medical Sciences Academy, Odessa 2Odessa State Medical University

Key words: retina, choroid, high-frequency electric welding, threshold diode endolazer coagulation, morphological changes

As a result of the experimental study made in 7 rabbits (14 eyes), it is established that the threshold diode endolaser coagulation possesses the most explicit destructive effect on the retina and vascular membrane. The high-frequency electro-welding of biological tissues with a voltage of 18—20 W exerts smaller destructive effect. The most sparing action is exerted by the high-frequency electro-welding with a voltage of14—16 W.

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