Oftalmol Zh.2013;2:30-35


Functional mobility of the oculomotor system and lability of the visual analyzer in patients with myopia of high degree

V. S. Ponomarchuk1, K. P. Pavlyuchenko2, Kefi Naissan2

1 SI «The Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy NAMS of Ukraine», Odessa

2 Donetsk National Medical University after M. Gorkiy

Key words: myopia of high degree, the functional mobility of the oculomotor system, lability of the visual analyzer

There was studied the state of the functional mobility of the oculomotor system (FMOS) and lability of the visual analyzer (CFFF- the critical frequency of flicker fusion and CFFA- the critical frequency of the flicker appearance) in different kinetic regimens — horizontal (H), vertical (V) and chaotic (C) in patients with maculodystrophy.

There was shown reduction in the indices of FMOS in the chaotic regimen by 0.21 Hz (13.6 %) in comparison with the vertical and horizontal regimens in the patients with myopia of high degree, while in the binocular study the degree of FMOS decrease was 0.4 Hz (28.6 %). The CFFF index in all three regimens is identical both in the monocular and binocular study and was equal to 36.6 Hz. The CFFA index was equal to 34 Hz, which is lower than the CFFF index on the average by 2.6Hz (6 %).

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