Oftalmol Zh.2013;2:26-29


Refraction disturbances and squint in children with retinopathy of prematurity

I. M. Boychuk, S. K. Katsan, E. S. Stoyanova, E. C. Zaichko

SI «Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine»

Key words: retinopathy of prematurity, myopic refraction, hypermetropia low degree, strabismus

Data of inspections 36 preterm and term children at the age from 1 year till 3th years has been analysed during the period from January till December, 2012. The gestational age of preterm babies was 27—34 weeks, weight at a birth was 980— 1880 g. Term babies were 38—41 weeks with weight at a birth more than 2700g. We were establish that children with progressing of ROP with the subsequent laser treatment have myopic refraction (65 %), especially high degree myopia (25 %), and a strabismus (20 %) more often in comparison to children with spontaneous recourse of ROP and term babies. The hypermetropia low degree meets more often (46.6 %) in children with spontaneous recourse of ROP authentically. The hyper-metropia low degree meets more often in term babies — 56.25 %, than at preterm children that corresponds to the literary data.


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