

Efficacy of interferon-therapy for prevention of developing and progressing cataract after surgical treatment of primary glaucoma

K. P. Pavlyuchenko, S. Yu. Mogilevskyy, V. O. Pentchyuk

The results of the interferontherapy efficiency after antiglaucomatous surgery (sinustrabeculectomy) for the cataract development and progression prophylaxis is shown in this article. It was stated statistically significant, that the interferontherapy allowed to reduce the frequency of hemorragic and inflammatory complications

in postoperative early stage. The interferontherapy was used in preoperative and postoperative treatment. It was stated, that the frequency of cataract development and progression was reduced twice in 3 and 6 month after surgery treatment.

Key words: primary glaucoma surgical treatment complication cataract  interferontherapy.

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