Oftalmol Zh.2013;2:79-82


The pterygium modeling

E. V. Maltsev, V. Ya. Usov, N. Yu. Krytsun

SI «Filatov Institute of Eye Diseasesand Tissue Therapy of Nationa| Academy of Medica| Sciences of Ukraine»

The experiment was performed on 28 rabbits' eyes of the Chinchilla breed. The model of the degenerative process of the conjunctiva that grow to the cornea was done with the help of such manipulations as the extraction of the area of the lim-zone, application of the spirit (n-heptanol) in this place and also the fixation of the conjunctival flap on the cornea with the help of stitches. The result of the experiment was the model of the degenerative process of the conjuctiva wich were received on the eighteenth or the twentieth day of the experiment. The features of the postoperative course of the experimental modeling of the degenerative process, the dymanics of the clinical manifestations are described in different terms of the observation. It was determined that the extraction of the limbal zone in conjunction connection with the use of n-heptanol in this area stimulates the increase of the conjuctiva on the cornea.

Key words: pterygium modeling degenerative proces, n-heptanol.

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