Oftalmol Zh.2013;2:68-73


Risk assessment of the ophthalmic pathology in population and workers exposed to natural ultraviolet radiation

D. V. Varyvonchyk, S. O. Rykov, A. O. Salyukov

SI «lnstitute for Occupational Health of NAMS of Ukraine» (Kyiv) National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education n. P. L. Shupyk (Kyiv)

Key words: ocular pathology, natural ultraviolet radiation exposure levels.

Determined that the population who lives in the «very high» annual erythemal dose of natural ultraviolet radiation (UVR) (Crimea), prevalence of ophthalmic pathology (degeneration of the conjunctiva, cornea, lens, retina) in 1.2—2.5 times higher than among the population that lives in areas with «moderate» dose of radiation (Volyn' region). Established dose-dependent pattern between exposure by natural UVR erythematic dose and the occurrence of the eye disease among the population. Founded that among the employees of the industry winegrowing and winemaking, which are working all day long at the open air, there is in¬creasing frequency and odds ratios beginnings of corneal dystrophy (RR = 2.42), pterygium (RR = 1.73), macular degeneration (RR = 1.56), pingvekula (RR = 1.47), cataract (RR = 1.14) (p<10—4). Recognized ophthalmic pathology called predicate for the future cancer pathology (cancer/melanoma lips, skin, eyes and appendages.)


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