Oftalmol Zh.2012;6:65-68.

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Fesyunova G. S., Moroz O. A., Gorchev V. F., Litvin S. E.

The sizes of nanoparticles in the vegetable extracts of aloe and sweet clover as well as in the Polyacrylamide gel with the gold nanoparticles were determined with the aid of the method of the photon- correlation spectroscopy. The volume fraction of the substances up to 100 nm in the extract of sweet clover was 8 % with the average size of nanoparticles of 40 nm and quantitative contribution of 99.9 % (the first fraction), in the aloe extract — 50 % and with the average size of nanoparticles — 90 nm and by quantitative contribution — 99.9 % (the first fraction). In the polyacrylamide gel with the gold nanoparticles the volume fraction of the nanoparticles with average size of 10 nm composed 92 % with quantitative contribution of 99.9 % (the first fraction).



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