Oftalmol Zh.2012;6:6-11.

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Drozhzhina G. I., Troichenko L. F.

Odessa, Ukraine

The effectiveness of autoserum instillations in the complex treatment of the cornea regeneration disturbance after keratoplasty was investigated in 58 patients of the basic group in comparison with 167 patients of the control group. All patients were treated in the hospital at the department of pathology and micro-surgery of the cornea of our institute during 2007—2010.

As a result of the conducted investigation it was revealed that the application of autoserum instillations in the complex treatment of the cornea regeneration disturbance after keratoplasty accelerated the periods of the epithelization of the transplant surface on the average by 7.4 days, which was accompanied by an increase in the visual acuity and decrease a quantity of complications by 11 % in comparison with the traditional treatment (periods of the follow-up were up to 3 months after keratoplasty).



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