Oftalmol Zh.2011;2:49-54.

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Usov V. Ya., Tarik Abou Tarboush, Kondratieva E. I.

Odessa, Ukraine

There were studied possibilities of increasing the stability of the eye lens by the antioxidant emoxipin in modeling light cataract in animals with keratitis. Under the condition of light cataract in experimental keratitis the pathological changes in the lens of the animals developed quicker and were more expressed in the last period of follow-up (30—40 weeks). The degree of pathological changes in the lens on the 30th and 40th week of the experiment were reliably lower under the influence of emoxipin (p=0.033 and p=0.018 correspondingly). Emoxipin exerts a stabilizing effect on the lens eye both under the light influence and in modeling of keratitis in the conditions of natural light.



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