Oftalmol Zh.2011;1:65-68.



Serdyuk V. N., Semenko V. V.

Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

There was studied the influence of the light energy of high intensity giving rise to oxidative stress in the retina and other eye tissues in dynamics of experimental glaucoma in 24 rabbits.

It was established that in modeling glaucoma process the effect of the light of high intensity significantly increased malonic dialdehyde and diene conjugate level in the chamber humor. It is an additional pathogenic factor in disturbance of the structural components in the outflow system in the anterior chamber.

The concentration of the lipid peroxidation products increases considerably in the retina and optic nerve in the light irradiation. It may be considered as an element of the mechanism of the degenerative processes in development of primary open-angle glaucoma under the conditions of light loading.



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