Oftalmol Zh.2010;3:46-50.



N. F. Bobrova, V. I. Shevchyk

Odessa, Ukraine

We compared corneal wound healing in 6 eyes (3 rabbits) sutured by full-thickness (right eye) and 2/3 depth suture (left eye). The scar tissue was analyzed using our coefficient (as a ratio between scar length to its area) in 1 postoperative month. This coefficient was 0.062±0.02 after 1 month for cases with full-thickness suture and 0.0063±0.002 in case with 2/3 depth.

These results can be explained by better functional conditions of the endothelium (in the full-thickness sutured cornea), as a structure with a considerable regeneration, polypotential properties and powerful pump function.



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