Oftalmol Zh.2011;1:64-68.



Bezdetko P. A., Iljina E. N., Naumova O. V., Mikulinskiy Yu. E., Panibrattseva S. G.

There were studied the peculiarities of restoration of the corneal epithelium after transplantation of the autograft in limbic insufficiency in the experiment. 10 chinchilla rabbits were operated on with the preliminarily modeled limbic insufficiency. The autograft on the fibrinous substrate was transplanted in the formed limbic pocket obtained from the contralateral healthy eyes of rabbits with subsequent cultivation under laboratory conditions. It allowed to avoid further development of conjunctivization of the cornea, to decrease (till complete disappearance) neovascularization and keratoleukoma, and to achieve total epithelization of the cornea defect with the clear differentiation of the front epithelium into the layers.



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