Oftalmol Zh.2009;4:13-19.



M. V. Sidorova

Kiev, Ukraine

109 patients with different forms of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) were included in the investigation. All patients underwent OCT-scanning, ophthalmoscopy and red-free photography, electro-physiological retinal investigation. I group of patients (57) received combined treatment: parabulbar injections of emoxipin 1.0 № 10 and «Visiomaxi» 2 times a day for 1 month. II group of patients (52) received only «Visiomaxi» twice a day for 1 month. Comparative analyses of the results revealed similar effectiveness of «Visiomaxi» monotherapy and combined treatment with emoxipin and «Visiomaxi» in restoration of the visual acuity and electro-physiological parameters.



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