Oftalmol Zh.2009;3:74-80.



S. I. Polyakova

Odessa, Ukraine

The factors which influence the survival rate of patients with epithelial tumors of the lacrimal gland (ETLG) was investigated in 219 patients who were treated in the Filatov Institute. The following up period was from 1 month to 435 months.

In the terms of investigation 134 patients (61,2%) survived, 85 (38,8%) died. 79 from the 85 dead patients had metastatic disease or intracranial growth of the tumors; 6 patients died from another causes and they were excluded from analyses.

It was established that the survival rate of patients with ETLG depends on such factors as sex, age, size of tumor, the presence of capsula, destruction of orbital bones, tumor recurrence.

The cox-regressive model was development, on which basis 6 groups of hazard for survival rate of patients with ETLY were categorized. The worst factors for poor outcome of the lacrimal gland tumor were diameter more than 54 mm and the histological type of tumor — adenocarcinoma.



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