Oftalmol Zh.2009;3:41-45.



Pasechnikova N. V., Naumenko V. A., Kushnir N. N.

Odessa, Ukraine

There were examed 10 healthy people without eye pathology and 108 patients (130 eyes) with diabetes mellitus and different stages of DR according WHO classification of DR. 12 patients had diabetes mellitus type I, other — type II.

Of the total number of studied eyes are four classes of disturbance of hematoretinal barried (HRB) were determined.

Quantitative analysis of data of fuorometry of the vitreous can be used in assessing of degree of disturbance of HRB associated with diabetic retinopathy. The state of HRB according to the fluorometry of the vitreous closely associated with the clinical stage of DR (%2 = 153,9; p = 0,0001). In severe nonproliferative DR fluoromentry of the vitreous according to data provided varying degrees of disturbance of the functions of the HRB. Determination of disturbance of the HRB can be useful in determining of the indications for laser coagulation of the retina in DR patients.



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