Oftalmol Zh.2013;2:11-14
The state of the accommodative function in presbyopes without out and with presence of primary open-angle glaucoma in different kinds of refraction
P. Bezdetko, A. M. D. Abdoola, M. Shchadnykh
Kharkov National Medical University
Key words: primary open-angle glaucoma, presbyopia, the value of presbyopia, the volume of accommodation, reserve accommodation.
On the basis of the study of refraction, presbyopia value, volume and reserve of accommodation at 128presbyopic eyes with POAG and 139 eyes with presbyopia without POAG were found growing of the value of presbyopia from 0.25 to 0.5 diopters and decreasing of accommodative volume (20 %) and reserves (20—40 %) in group of presbyopes with POAG, compared with controls without POAG. Evalu-ation of the curves of the dependence of presbyopia from age in presbyopes with primary open-angle glaucoma showed higher values in the same age periods as compared with the control group. In this case identical values encountered in the study and control groups with a difference of about three years to 60 years old. The results indicate the important role of reducing the accommodative function in the pathogenesis of primary open-angle glaucoma. In addition, the observed early development of presbyopia in patients with POAG can be regarded as a precursor or an early sign of glaucoma.
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