Oftalmol Zh.2012;6:30-33.
Pogoreliy D. N., Putienko A. A. Kovalchuk A. G
Odessa, Ukraine
112 patients (114 eyes) with proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDRP) were studied the total area of the proliferative tissue in the zones of sclerotomies on an average in 2 and 6 months after vitrectomy. The area of proliferative tissue composed 2.09 (0.56) mm2 in the patients of the basic group — 82 eyes, with expressed hemophthalmia in 2 months after operation, while in the patients of the control group — 32 eyes with the transparent vitreal contents — 0.63 (0.49), the difference was statistically reliable (p= 0.0001). The regress of the proliferative tissue in the zone of sclerotomies in the patients of the basic group was noted in 6 months after treatment, based on the average value of 2.09 (0.56) mm2 to 0.58 (0.41) mm2, the differences were statistically reliable (p = 0.0001). In the control group it was 0.63 (0.49) mm2 to 0.52 (0.44) mm2.
Hemophthalmia after vitrectomy in the patients with PDRP is associated with development of the neovascular tissue in the zone of sclerotomies. The data of the state of the neovascular tissue for 6 months are evidence of the gradual stabilization of the proliferative process as a result of vitrectomy, which begins in a number of patients in the later periods after operation.
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