Oftalmol Zh.2014;5:90-92


Jewelry gold — a rare case of the intraocular foreign body

T. A. Krasnovid, N. P. Grubnik

State Institution The Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of the NAMS of Ukraine; Odessa, (Ukraine)

Key words: intraocular foreign body, gold, jewel.


Purpose: To present the case of penetrating corneal injury with intraocular foreign body (IOFB) (jewel, gold purity 585).

Material and methods: The patient of 36 years was observed. The main complaints were loss of vision, discomfort, inflammation, pain of the left eye after penetrating corneal injury with (IOFB) (jewel, gold purity 585).

Results: Pars plana lensvitrectomy (PPLV) with removal of IOFB through corneal entrance wound was performed.

Conclusion: The case of penetrating corneal injury with IOFB (jewel, gold purity 585) with successful PPLV and removal of IOFB was presented.



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