Oftalmol Zh.2011;6:28-34.

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Bobrova N. F., Vit V. V., Dumbrova N. E., Molchanyuk N. I., Sorochinskaya T. A., Trofimova N. B.

Odessa, Ukraine

The regeneration process of the outflow tracts of the intraocular fluid after sinusotrabeculotomy with the application of viscoelastic containing the hyaluronic acid and without it was studied in the experiment with 15 rabbits (28 eyes).

The histological and electron-microscopic studies showed that the application of viscoelastic from the derivatives of the hyaluronic acid as fluid implant allows to form the outflow tracts of the intraocular fluid at the expense of reduction of the scarring processes in the area of sinusotrabeculotomy. The process of substituting regeneration of the sclera is slowed down in introduction of viscoelastic (Viscoat) in the anterior chamber and between the scleral grafts.

At the same time in control eyes (without application of viscoelastic) the signs of inflammation and substitutive regeneration are manifested already in 10 days after the operation and complete obliteration of the wound canal is revealed in a month.



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